Tulip Treat basket

This little treat basket is made to look like a tulip.  My friend, Jeni, showed me the idea.
There are lots of photos in this tutorial, but the project is really simple and fast!
Even kids can make it easily.

For supplies, you will need:
Paper trimmer with scoring blade

You'll also need:
6x6" square of cardstock
5 3/4 x 5 3/4" square of patterned paper

Don't forget the candy.  It is the most important part.

Score the cardstock at 1.5" and 3" and 4.5"
Turn the cardstock 90 degrees and score again.

Here is the scoring diagrm.  Later we will be cutting, so for now, just focus on the scoring part.

Glue the patterned paper...

Place it on the back of the cardstock,

and secure.

Using the scoring guide pictured above, cut a short line at the half-way mark on each side.

Now you should be able to bring up two opposite sides.  This will form the inside of your basket.

Overlap with one of the outside flaps...

...and staple.  So easy.

Here is the important part.  Bring up the other outside flap.  Have the two corners point to each other.  Your project won't look a tulip if you skip this essential step.

Fold and staple the same on the other side.  Here I was putting in the last staple, which can be a little tricky.

Tulip treat basket...

Tulip treat basket filled with salt-water taffy!

My son loves green, so we had to make a green version, just for fun.
Enjoy!  Let me know how many tulips you make!

Kacey  – (June 21, 2011 at 9:44 PM)  

Camille, I am so glad you did this tutorial! I a haven't done anything with paper in a long time.

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